Research Fellowship · 2017

Xiao Xiao: The Reception of Ganying in Günther Uecker’s Perceptual Approach

Angelika Platen: Günther Uecker, 1971, Photo: bpk / Angelika Platen

Xiao Xiao’s research project, entitled The Reception of Ganying in Günther Uecker’s Perceptual Approach, is concerned with philosophical concepts originating in the East Asian region. The focus of her analysis, an outgrowth of her doctoral dissertation, is on the intriguing affinity between the spiritual notions of “action” in the Chinese Daoist tradition and Uecker’s artistic practice. In her work, Xiao Xiao reveals how the concepts of wu wei [non-doing], ziran [from itself], and especially ganying [correlative resonance] make determinable movements of thought that are also deeply imbedded in Uecker’s creative processes. 

Xiao Xiao

Xiao Xiao, born 1983 in Chengdu (People’s Republic of China), holds a doctorate in art history and is an art educator. She studied design in China until 2006 and completed her bachelor’s degree in the same subject in Hildesheim in 2012. She received her Master of Arts degree in cultural mediation and art studies in 2015, and her doctorate in 2022 from the University of Hildesheim with a thesis entitled Philosophy and the Arts of East Asia in the Work of Günther Uecker. She lives and works in Düsseldorf.
